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Master's Economics Programs (2nd year), KSE

This program focuses on analytical skills and methodology and is tailored for those considering careers in management consulting, tech, IB/PE and other relevant industries. KSE EA & BFE students who are already enrolled in their first year are eligible to apply for Ampersand's community mentorship support for their second year of studies.


The application period starts on April 12th, 2023, and will be open until May 19th, 2023 (inclusive). Please find our timeline, key dates and details on the «Application process» page. For the 2023/2024 academic year, we are offering scholarships for 2nd year students of the Master's Program in Economic Analysis and Business and Financial Economics at the Kyiv School of Economics. An application will include a standardised form with information about the applicant, as well as (1) CV and (2) essay. All information and documents must be provided in English.

For the 2023/2024 academic year, the essay topic is «What matters most to you, and why?». (800 words limit)

An additional essay is required for reapplicants: please explain what has changed since your last application. (250 word limit)

Requirements: All essays must be written in English and follow the word count limits.


General tips

  1. The worst application is one that was never sent. Please keep in mind however that professionalism and accuracy are both important criteria that we take into consideration when making a final decision. The very first thing we take into consideration is your ability to conduct proper due diligence. The quality of this application will allow us to assess your ability to pay close attention to details and preliminary research.
  2. We will apply the very same criteria that are in use by the admission committees of the programmes in the most prominent academic institutions, as well as HR departments of leading companies in relevant industries. Please find more details here.
  3. You may find many great recommendations and tips on fless.pro and wallstreetoasis.com, as well as on official websites of management consulting companies and leading academic institutions offering MBA programmes.

Tips on writing a good CV

  1. A good CV is always one page long.
  2. Be specific. No generalisations allowed in the CV. Quantify as much as possible.
  3. Do not add your photo, date of birth or physical address.
  4. Do not use online CV builders or services.
  5. It takes at least 2-3 days to write a good CV.

Tips on writing a good essay

  1. Your essay should not rephrase your CV. Use it as an opportunity to stand out and tell us something about yourself that would prove that you’re different from other applicants.
  2. Avoid cliches and do not write an autobiography (until you really have something special to write about). We have your CV to see your life journey and progress. Once you write your essay, give it to someone who knows you well and ask if they recognize you from it and if it paints you in your best light.
  3. Be sincere and honest. Don’t try to fit our imaginary expectations. Be the human you are and show us your actual thoughts, deeds, and stories.
  4. Do your research. Find essays of people who landed offers from top universities and see how they tackled them.
  5. One cannot write a really good essay overnight. It takes at least two weeks to do it properly.